You’ll need to know your parcel’s actual weight and its cubic weight, as the delivery rate is calculated on whichever is greater.
The cubic conversion rate is 250kg per cubic metre.
H(m) x W(m) x L(m) x 250
1.Convert measurements to metres. For example,30 centimetres is .3 metre, 5 centimetres is .05 metre.
2.Multiply the height x width x length x cubic conversion
(250) to get the cubic weight.
Example: (H) 0.8m x (W) 0.5m x (L) 0.15m x 250 = 15kg
3.So, if the actual weight of this parcel was 5kg and the cubic
weight was 15kg, the greater weight of 15kg is used to
calculate the label price.
Please note: Maximum length of a parcel is 2m.